Samstag, 7. Juli 2012

Welcome to The Potato Masher, the gaming blog for the distinguished gentleman.

There comes a time, where a man just wants to state his opinion no matter if others are interested in it. For me, this time has come now.

What is gaming for us? For some it is just a time killer, for others it's a hobby for which they are willing to spend a whole lot of money.

Really, a LOTof money.

In my opinion, a game is much more than that. A game can be so many different things, it can make you incredibly happy or enrage you for the whole day. It gives you an opportunity to do things you just cannot do in real life. You feel like hijacking a car and run over a hooker? Have some GTA. You feel like shooting some Zombies in their face? Left 4 Dead might float your boat. Want to be a farmer and hit on some anime-style girls without having to do the hard work? Harvest Moon is your choice.

Sure, we could all go and try these things in real life. I can tell you though, the police really can't take a joke with running over hookers...

This nice gentleman would like to have a word with you...

There's not much else to say about this blog. There will be gaming, there will be rants, there will be potato mashing. Everything you can expect, basically.